A Good Week!
Friday, August 12, 2011
from Bob (dictated to Patra)
This has been a really good week!!!
I haven't had any difficulty with intestinal obstructions and haven't needed to go to the hospital. I feel better than I have in many months. I know that we are able to write these words this week because of your faithful prayers for us - thank you. Patra and I are also praying that we will stay on this new path for a bit longer. Dialysis continues to exhaust me, and I still pass out sometimes with feelings of dehydration after a treatment, but this is our new normal and we have learned to live with it. No, it doesn't get easier, we have just adjusted our expectations. We see so many who are worse than we are in "Dialysis World".
I had an appointment with my cardiologist this week. I was interested in learning more about the surgery that had been done a few weeks ago to create a window in my pericardia sac (lining around the heart). I was under so much medication at that time, I did not remember what the procedure involved. As he explained to me I was surprised to learn how large the window was as he held his fingers to show about a two inch gap. This "window" should remain open allowing any buildup pressure of fluid to be released helping my heart to continue beating. Since that procedure, I have not felt any tightness in my chest, have not had difficulty breathing and have not had any more episodes of congestive heart failure or fluid in the lungs. That procedure and my new hospital bed at home which keeps my head elevated when I sleep has made a huge difference in my comfort level. I am so grateful for the "break".
I also asked him why I am so skinny. I eat huge meals and try to gain muscle, but I continue getting thinner. At this appointment, I weighed 133 lbs. My usual weight was 205 lbs before I got sick. The doctor explained in such detail that I can't begin to describe it, but the bottom line is, this is all caused by my disease and I probably won't be able to gain weight or muscle. It is getting harder and harder to stand because it feels like I am standing on stilts (and looks like it too when you see my bony long legs).
My shingles have finally healed and since getting out of the hospital for the bowel obstruction, I have not had to take any pain medications. It is amazing how much clearer my thinking is. One of the great benefits has been that I have been able to read my Bible again. I have spent some time this week in 1 Samuel and it has been a real joy to read the history of the Israelites.
Patra and I continue to deal with the reality of our journey. The reality of my situation first hit me when I was in the bone marrow transplant wing at Moffitt Cancer Institute. Although I was pretty much confined to my room, I could hear noises outside the door. One night I heard a commotion in the hall. Later that night Patra heard what had happened from a family member when she went to the caregiver coffee room. The young man in the room next to me had died. I realized that this is serious business - life and death. There really has not been a day since then that I have not been aware of the issues that are involved in my journey.
I have unexplainable peace knowing that God is in control. There are many times that I wonder why he has allowed me more days than the doctors predicted. Patra has a friend who continues to pray that my living will baffle the doctors so that only God would be clearly seen through this journey... that His glory and power would be so evident... that only He would receive glory and praise. I whole heartily agree.
Patra and I again thank you so much for your prayers and support . As I have said before it means more than you will ever know. I would ask you to continue to pray that I have no more obstructions. As we pray every night, it is my #1 prayer request that I remain faithful to God until the very end.
Dear God, thank you for a very good week. I pray that I would not have any obstructions. Thank you for our friends and their prayer support. May I be faithful to the end.
Until next Friday. God willing.
Friday, August 12, 2011
from Bob (dictated to Patra)
This has been a really good week!!!
I haven't had any difficulty with intestinal obstructions and haven't needed to go to the hospital. I feel better than I have in many months. I know that we are able to write these words this week because of your faithful prayers for us - thank you. Patra and I are also praying that we will stay on this new path for a bit longer. Dialysis continues to exhaust me, and I still pass out sometimes with feelings of dehydration after a treatment, but this is our new normal and we have learned to live with it. No, it doesn't get easier, we have just adjusted our expectations. We see so many who are worse than we are in "Dialysis World".
I had an appointment with my cardiologist this week. I was interested in learning more about the surgery that had been done a few weeks ago to create a window in my pericardia sac (lining around the heart). I was under so much medication at that time, I did not remember what the procedure involved. As he explained to me I was surprised to learn how large the window was as he held his fingers to show about a two inch gap. This "window" should remain open allowing any buildup pressure of fluid to be released helping my heart to continue beating. Since that procedure, I have not felt any tightness in my chest, have not had difficulty breathing and have not had any more episodes of congestive heart failure or fluid in the lungs. That procedure and my new hospital bed at home which keeps my head elevated when I sleep has made a huge difference in my comfort level. I am so grateful for the "break".
I also asked him why I am so skinny. I eat huge meals and try to gain muscle, but I continue getting thinner. At this appointment, I weighed 133 lbs. My usual weight was 205 lbs before I got sick. The doctor explained in such detail that I can't begin to describe it, but the bottom line is, this is all caused by my disease and I probably won't be able to gain weight or muscle. It is getting harder and harder to stand because it feels like I am standing on stilts (and looks like it too when you see my bony long legs).
My shingles have finally healed and since getting out of the hospital for the bowel obstruction, I have not had to take any pain medications. It is amazing how much clearer my thinking is. One of the great benefits has been that I have been able to read my Bible again. I have spent some time this week in 1 Samuel and it has been a real joy to read the history of the Israelites.
Patra and I continue to deal with the reality of our journey. The reality of my situation first hit me when I was in the bone marrow transplant wing at Moffitt Cancer Institute. Although I was pretty much confined to my room, I could hear noises outside the door. One night I heard a commotion in the hall. Later that night Patra heard what had happened from a family member when she went to the caregiver coffee room. The young man in the room next to me had died. I realized that this is serious business - life and death. There really has not been a day since then that I have not been aware of the issues that are involved in my journey.
I have unexplainable peace knowing that God is in control. There are many times that I wonder why he has allowed me more days than the doctors predicted. Patra has a friend who continues to pray that my living will baffle the doctors so that only God would be clearly seen through this journey... that His glory and power would be so evident... that only He would receive glory and praise. I whole heartily agree.
Patra and I again thank you so much for your prayers and support . As I have said before it means more than you will ever know. I would ask you to continue to pray that I have no more obstructions. As we pray every night, it is my #1 prayer request that I remain faithful to God until the very end.
Dear God, thank you for a very good week. I pray that I would not have any obstructions. Thank you for our friends and their prayer support. May I be faithful to the end.
Until next Friday. God willing.
Take care my friends!
Ted & Carol W
PRAISE OUR WONDERFUL GOD for your great week. We continue to pray for those weeks to be yours.
Thanks for updating us on everything. We know that the "tall weeds" often cause fear, but we also know that our GOD is always there to hold your hand through it all. We are saddened when you experience so much pain. You are such a SUPER TROOPER all along the way.
Well, we will see you in a little over two weeks, God Willing.
Love you both,
Lex and Linda
praise God for the good week- my prayer will be your prayer this week.
love you both janice
I know you will keep your loving hands on this faithful family. Amen.
~~Mary Lib
Thank you, Lord for allowing Bob
to get through this week with no pain meds. Thank you for the joy in his heart. Thank you for no bowel obstructions and for dialysis to go as easily as it can. Thank you for allowing him time to share his innermost piety and peace with the rest of us who may or may not pass before him. Thank you for wrapping your arms around them and holding them in your love. Let Bob and Patra be engulfed in the arms of all who love them here, too, albiet gently and just as they need. May the peace of God be with you. In the name of the father, the son, and the holy spirit, we pray. Amen. Love, Dottie (Braselton) Carson