Friday, August 5, 2011

From Bob (dictated to Emily)

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! Isaiah 26:3

First, Patra and I want to thank all of our friends for your prayers and support. You have been incredibly generous and faithful in praying for me. Last week was one of my most difficult weeks (with the obstruction), and this week has been a very good week. We continue to monitor every day to make sure that there is not a recurrence of the obstruction.

Sometimes I am reminded of an old western movie as I continue in this journey. I picture a gunfight between two of the cowboys. Cowboy 1 fires a fatal shot, but instead of falling to the ground in agony, Cowboy 2 continues to shoot back! No matter how many times Cowboy 1 shoots those deadly bullets, Cowboy 2 continues walking forward towards his nemesis. Sometimes I feel like Cowboy 2. No matter how many “bullets” my body encounters, it keeps fighting! I won’t go through a litany of all the procedures and treatments that I have been through, but I do feel like I keep getting shot. For some reason God has continued to allow me to stand on my feet and move forward.

This past week Patra and I were sitting in the living room when we heard a loud boom. The house immediately went black as we lost all electricity. There had been a power failure in the neighborhood, and we were without power for a little over an hour. I was reminded of my need for power in our modern world. We couldn’t watch television or use the computer (because there was no internet). I laid on the couch and very quickly felt the temperature rising as the air conditioning unit sat silent. I must admit that I was worried that my ice cream was going to melt in the freezer.

This power failure reminded me of my need for power in the Christian life. When we accept Christ, he sends his Holy Spirit to live with us. The Holy Spirit is our source of power as we live this Christian life. If we don’t allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives, then we are living our lives without any power.

When I began this journey through the “tall weeds” and began to fight this “nasty little disease,” I realized that the only way that I would be able to survive is if I tapped into God’s power of grace. I may not have always been as faithful as I should have been, but everyday I look to God for strength and power in these difficult days.

I meet with my cardiologist next week, and we will continue to try to adjust my medication to prevent my heart from getting out of rhythm. I continue in dialysis three days a week.

The grandchildren continue to be a joy to watch. They are all enjoying the pool and the two oldest boys are swimming like fish.

Austin, Bob, and Andrew

Dear God,
In Isaiah, your Word says that You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are stayed on You. I am so appreciate of the peace that you have given me over the many months of my disease. I pray that my mind will stay focused on you and that I will continue to keep your perfect peace. I am also thankful for my faithful friends who have prayed for us and showed us they loved us in the midst of this. I thank you that this week I have had no obstructions and I would ask you to allow me to continue to stay healthy and out of the hospital. May I stay faithful to you until the very end. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

Until next week, God willing,



Anonymous said…
I anxiously await your posts each week so I can be "fed" the nourishment you always provide me. I value your insight and you putting into perspective how wonderful God is. Your analogy of the cowboy is so "right on". My theme when I had my cancer was "I get knocked down, but get up again". God still loves us, that is the bottom line.

Ted's job was eliminated this week so we have some "tall weeds" but he does have his health and know that God will get us thru this but the initial shock is still there. The kids and grandbaby will be here this evening so that will give us a boost as do yours.

Take care good buddy and glad you didn't have a "shootout at the OK corral" this week.

Until next Friday
Ted & Carol W
Anonymous said…
We continue to pray for you!! I look forward every Friday to reading - whether or not I'm able to leave a comment- (with children who always want to play games on my phone!!!) You always encourage me in my faith. For that I am grateful. Those are some good lookin boys!!
Take care-
Jennifer N
Anonymous said…
Good Morning, Cowboy 2,
You have said it all so beautifully, Bob. You encourage us with your insights on the WORD and with your "keep on keeping on" attitude.
We look forward to your chats with us each week.
The photo of you and the guys is precious. Those little guys really do enjoy their time with you; that is quite evident.
Well, God willing, we will see you end of the month. The muffins and brownies abound here in TN and soon will do so there in FL. We look forward to sharing with you and Patra.
Give everyone big HUGS for us.
We continue to pray, praise and love you,
Lex and Linda
Anonymous said…
So happy you have had a good week ..our thoughts and prayers are with you always...So happy you can enjoy the grandkids...esp the ones we is such a pleasure to wath them all grow..and am sure you love to watch the boys swim...take care this week ..hugs to you and Patra..
Anonymous said…
Hey Bob and Patra, We are still praying for you through this journey God has allowed in your lives. Your posts have so encouraged me in my walk with the Lord and for that I am thankful. This week my mom will fly in from Tampa with one of my nieces as our first daughter will be getting married on Saturday. As of this past Saturday the emotion of all the wedding stuff started getting to me and God is showing me that through this my faith in Him will be enlarged. I've had the privilege of being taught by Elizabeth Elliot Gren and she constantly has reminded me that it's through the 'tall weeds'that our faith is built. I can see that in your life and feel it in my own as we keep our eyes on Him.
Still praying. Carol Womack Cahill