Friday, 5/6/2011
From Bob (dictated to Adam)
Jenny and David are taking a cruise this week with two other couples that they know from college. Emily is “nesting” in Gainesville as she awaits the birth of Anderson in approximately 2 weeks. Adam just finished his exams and completed his second year of law school, so it looks like you are stuck with me writing the blog this week.
I have appreciated our kids so much as they have contributed to the updating. When I began writing the blog, it was my hope that it could be something that I would pass on to them, but as it has developed, it has become a family project.
It has been 10 days since I have been in a hospital (but who’s counting?). Easter Sunday probably meant more to me this year than ever before. The fact that the tomb was empty and that Jesus is risen is the foundation for my faith and my hope.
Many people have commented that they do not see how somebody could walk through the “tall weeds” without faith. I agree… one hundred percent. However, I have met far too many people that are going through some very difficult times without any evidence of faith. I know for myself that the Scripture is true when it says “the Joy of the Lord is my Strength.”
Dialysis continues to be a challenge. We are trying so hard to prevent my lungs from filling with fluid. However, I feel like I am constantly dehydrated and I nearly passed out Monday after dialysis. The nurses had to give me IV fluids. When I protested, they explained they had no choice because my blood pressure had dropped so low.
On Tuesday night, Patra drove me to my Men’s Bible Study. It has been over a year since I've been able to attend and it was their last meeting for the year. Although I was unable to stay very long because of fatigue, I did have an opportunity to speak briefly to the men. I have really missed their fellowship; it was so good to be with them. Now I am hoping to be able to make it to my Bible Study class at church so I can thank them too.
Things have certainly changed since the beginning of this journey. When I am hooked up for dialysis, 2 needles are inserted into the fistula in my right arm. Now, I watch as they insert the needles into my skin. I would have never thought I would get to the point of being comfortable watching that take place.
I’ve heard that when Beth Moore was in the hospital, she looked up one day and saw the white board in her room indicate that the nurses’ names were “Grace” and “Mercy.” I haven’t had “Grace” and “Mercy” as my nurses, but Grace and Mercy have sustained me through this journey.
I was taught many years ago that Grace is unmerited favor. We receive what we do not deserve. God is gracious and has been gracious to me every day. While working as an attorney, I never handled many criminal cases, but I do remember one case many years ago where the state held all the cards and my client really had no defense. As we sat there, waiting for the hearing before the judge, my client made the comment that all he wanted was “justice.” I remember telling him that the last thing he wanted was “justice.” He needed to throw himself on the mercy of the court and mercy would make sure that he didn’t receive what he deserved. As I continue this walk, I’m so grateful for God’s grace and mercy.
I love the words of the song “Amazing Grace” and the verse that says
Through many dangers, toils, and snares,
I have already come
Twas Grace that brought me safe thus far,
And Grace will lead me home.
Dear Father, thank you for your Grace and your Mercies which are new every morning. I pray that you will use me in some way to be an encouragement to those whose faith is frail or who have no faith. Give me the right words to say and a loving heart to say them with.
From Bob (dictated to Adam)
Jenny and David are taking a cruise this week with two other couples that they know from college. Emily is “nesting” in Gainesville as she awaits the birth of Anderson in approximately 2 weeks. Adam just finished his exams and completed his second year of law school, so it looks like you are stuck with me writing the blog this week.
I have appreciated our kids so much as they have contributed to the updating. When I began writing the blog, it was my hope that it could be something that I would pass on to them, but as it has developed, it has become a family project.
It has been 10 days since I have been in a hospital (but who’s counting?). Easter Sunday probably meant more to me this year than ever before. The fact that the tomb was empty and that Jesus is risen is the foundation for my faith and my hope.
Many people have commented that they do not see how somebody could walk through the “tall weeds” without faith. I agree… one hundred percent. However, I have met far too many people that are going through some very difficult times without any evidence of faith. I know for myself that the Scripture is true when it says “the Joy of the Lord is my Strength.”
Dialysis continues to be a challenge. We are trying so hard to prevent my lungs from filling with fluid. However, I feel like I am constantly dehydrated and I nearly passed out Monday after dialysis. The nurses had to give me IV fluids. When I protested, they explained they had no choice because my blood pressure had dropped so low.
On Tuesday night, Patra drove me to my Men’s Bible Study. It has been over a year since I've been able to attend and it was their last meeting for the year. Although I was unable to stay very long because of fatigue, I did have an opportunity to speak briefly to the men. I have really missed their fellowship; it was so good to be with them. Now I am hoping to be able to make it to my Bible Study class at church so I can thank them too.
Things have certainly changed since the beginning of this journey. When I am hooked up for dialysis, 2 needles are inserted into the fistula in my right arm. Now, I watch as they insert the needles into my skin. I would have never thought I would get to the point of being comfortable watching that take place.
I’ve heard that when Beth Moore was in the hospital, she looked up one day and saw the white board in her room indicate that the nurses’ names were “Grace” and “Mercy.” I haven’t had “Grace” and “Mercy” as my nurses, but Grace and Mercy have sustained me through this journey.
I was taught many years ago that Grace is unmerited favor. We receive what we do not deserve. God is gracious and has been gracious to me every day. While working as an attorney, I never handled many criminal cases, but I do remember one case many years ago where the state held all the cards and my client really had no defense. As we sat there, waiting for the hearing before the judge, my client made the comment that all he wanted was “justice.” I remember telling him that the last thing he wanted was “justice.” He needed to throw himself on the mercy of the court and mercy would make sure that he didn’t receive what he deserved. As I continue this walk, I’m so grateful for God’s grace and mercy.
I love the words of the song “Amazing Grace” and the verse that says
Through many dangers, toils, and snares,
I have already come
Twas Grace that brought me safe thus far,
And Grace will lead me home.
Dear Father, thank you for your Grace and your Mercies which are new every morning. I pray that you will use me in some way to be an encouragement to those whose faith is frail or who have no faith. Give me the right words to say and a loving heart to say them with.
Take care my friends,
Ted & Carol W
Thanks to Adam for being your scribe this time.
We wish that we could be there Sunday in our Bible study group to greet you at the door.
Bob, you are such a wonderful example of courage in the Lord and a great witness for HIM. You teach us every day by example what it means to walk by faith, and your oepnness and transparency help us to be a true part of your journey.
Our hearts are with you every day as we pray and praise on your behalf.
We love you.
Lex and Linda
See you shortly, God willing.
You have been used. Those of us who read your posts can't help but be wrapped up in your sufferings and in your joys. You have encouraged us every step of the way. Because of you, we walk through our trials much differently than we used to. You have touched many lives. Who knows but that one unsaved person was prompted to read your blog and it has made all the difference to them for eternity. Chuck and I thank God for you every night and pray for you daily.
With love
Ritchie & Sheldon
Thank you so much for coming to the CBS Men's Bible Study last week. It really meant a lot to have you there and have you speak. You are never far from our thoughts and prayers. Though you may not be there every Tuesday, you continue to teach us, lead us and inspire us.
John McDonough