"A Soothing Aroma"

(Friday, September 10, 2010) “A Soothing Aroma”
We have definitely walked through some “tall weeds” the last couple of weeks. Yesterday (Thursday) was spent at Moffitt. I was very weak and dizzy, nearly passed out as we entered the building. Patra got me in a wheelchair and up to the Infusion Center where the nurses looked at me and immediately put me in a bed and began work getting me "juiced up" again. (This is another opportunity to say how grateful we are for the kind, compassionate, attentive, responsive care that we have been given at Moffitt.) Lab work showed my potassium was very low and as is usually the case, the chemo-therapy has lowered many of my numbers. Next week is "rest week" so hopefully we can get a little bounce back before we start cycle #4.

The other night God impressed upon me some great assurance and comfort. The “tall weeds” will never be so tall that I will lose sight of God. Even in the midst of the “tallest weeds” all I have to do is LOOK UP and He is there. The “tall weeds” will never be so thick that He will not provide a way of escape. He is my refuge and my strength. Whenever I am in the “tall weeds” He is right there with me. He will never leave me or forsake me.

We are overwhelmed by your support and prayers. Several people have commented that they “don’t know what to say” because the news has not been good. That’s OK. You are doing great. The expressions of concern and love and support mean so much. We not only hear your words, but we always hear your hearts! We regret having to share difficult news with you. Therefore, it is wonderful today to be able to share some good news.

No, make that great news! Patra and I are going to be grandparents again. Number 5 is coming. Adam and Sharon are having another baby. He/she is due in early April. About 30 minutes after Adam and Sharon told this wonderful news a couple weeks ago, (we were sworn to secrecy until they made their official announcement yesterday) I passed out and was taken to the E.R. At the hospital I told Adam that he and Sharon were going to have to be a little more careful giving me exciting news. Congratulations also to Jon and Marilyn, Sharon’s parents – if my math is correct, this will make 7 grandchildren for them. To the right is a picture of our newest grandchild (or an alien) taken yesterday, Thursday. So young, so little, so fearfully and wonderfully made! Baby Bugg, you are already loved!

It appears that Andrew will have his surgery to repair the Chiari malformation during the first couple of weeks of October. Thank you so much for your prayers - I will keep you advised as we know more.

I will be able to get an appointment with one of the world’s leading experts on amyloidosis at the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota. The first available date for the consultation is in early November although we are trying to get in sooner. (I’m not sure but I think it gets cold in Minnesota by November. This Miami-born boy would like to be in and out of Minnesota before any of that white precipitation starts to fall.) Apparently, in discussing my case with my doctor, the doctor at Mayo described my situation as “challenging.” I’m not sure that’s a lot better than “rare” but at least it is different.

I have established a new “habit.” And I love it. For several weeks now, I get up between 5:45 and 6:15, go into the living room and read my Bible. NO TELEVISION. NO RADIO. NO COMPUTER. NO DISTRACTIONS! It is dark outside and very quiet. I typically read 4-5 chapters in the Old Testament. I am currently reading Deuteronomy. I write down words or concepts that are contained within the reading and then try to think of questions I would want to ask if I were teaching that section of scripture. One of the phrases I wrote down several days ago was “a soothing aroma to the Lord.” (In discussing the sacrifices that the Israelites were to make at the Tabernacle, that phrase is often used. We are told that when the Israelites properly sacrificed in obedience to God's instructions, their sacrifices were a "soothing aroma to the Lord.")

I then read a chapter in Proverbs. Today, September 10, I read Chapter 10. Since Proverbs has 31 chapters, I am able to read all of Proverbs every month.

Then it is on to the New Testament. I started with Matthew and I am now reading Luke. As I have read through the gospels, I have spent a lot of time thinking about Jesus. That makes it all worthwhile! What an incredible Savior! I do not see how anyone could read the gospel writers and not be impressed by the life and teachings and ministry of Jesus. It makes me realize that we (believers) have not done a good job of communicating Christ. Objections to Jesus are most often objections to the hypocrisy or inconsistency of His followers – me.

Next, I read two short devotionals books to get me thinking about applying scripture to life situations.

Finally, I spend time in prayer.

It is usually shortly after 7:00 a.m. when I finish and Patra is cooking breakfast. The other day she started the coffee brewing and I began to smile. What a “soothing aroma.” Our "morning joe" became a great practical illustration of the truth of God's Word. I understood better how God is pleased by the “soothing aroma” of the sacrifices.

“Father, I praise you for Who You are. I want to bring to you my “sacrifice of praise” hoping that it will be a “soothing aroma” to you. We praise you for the new baby that will join our family. We praise you for Andrew and the fact that we know he is in Your hands. Even today, may my life be a living sacrifice, wholly acceptable to You, a “soothing aroma.” With respect to those I speak with and interact with, may the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, may they be a “soothing aroma.” Help me be better about communicating Christ to my world. Don't let me do anything that would reflect poorly on Your Son.

Until next Friday. God willing.


Anonymous said…
Dearest Bugg Family: Thank you for your words of wisdom and your insight into your whole situation. I like the soothing aroma; it doesn't have to be a smell but we do always remember the soothing smells, especially from our childhood or our favorite smells; but I guess you could look at it as well as what is emitted from our souls; they say when a mother stays calm with a crying baby, it will calm the baby as well so that can be soothing aroma as well; we need to sooth our demeanor and rest in the fact that we are in God's loving arms. Congrats on being a grandpa again; there certainly is no other feeling that compares to being a grandparent. We will be praying for Andrew with his upcoming surgery and pray you can get to Mayo before the "white stuff" becomes a reality; hard to imagine right now with the 90's we are having. Better get you a warm hat! We continue to be with you in your "tall weeds" but can look to the sky for the hope that is always there.
Take care my friend and pray you have a week of rest!

Ted & Carol W
Anonymous said…
Bob, we left a comment, and it didn't go throug. We were told no service.
Decided to see if this note goes through before typing another longer note.
Lex and Linda
Anonymous said…
Guess it was just a glitch. We have had our two mile walk this morning and are getting into class stuff shortly.
Those history kids have lots to do which means that pushy prof and his keyboard person have much to do also.
Congratualtions on the new BUGG!! That is most exciting.
We know that God is working on our request about your going to see the doctor in MN; now, we just have to pray you there earlier than November. GOD can certainly make that a reality also.
Thanks, Bob, for continuing to be our Bible teacher by sharing God's word and HIS insights to you with us.
We shall see you soon.
Love and continued prayers and praises,
Lex and Linda
Anonymous said…
Thank you Bob for "MY" Friday devotion!! We continue to remember the Bugg Family to our Heavenly Father. Congrats to all on the new baby. I just can't forget the first time I spent time with Adam. I was serving time (that's what church nursery duty is) with Patra on a Sunday night in the old building at Skycrest. Wow! That was in 1983!!! Many moons ago and we thank the Father that he still keeps us connected!!

Janice (& Bob) Adams
Anonymous said…
Thank you Bob for "MY" Friday devotion!! We continue to remember the Bugg Family to our Heavenly Father. Congrats to all on the new baby. I just can't forget the first time I spent time with Adam. I was serving time (that's what church nursery duty is) with Patra on a Sunday night in the old building at Skycrest. Wow! That was in 1983!!! Many moons ago and we thank the Father that he still keeps us connected!!

Janice (& Bob) Adams
Surviving 4 said…
Congratulations to you, Adam, Sharon, and the rest of the Buggs!!! What wonderful news - and such an adorable little alien :) We're continuing to pray for you all. You and your sweet family are never far from my mind. I even stopped in the middle of class and asked my students to pray for you and Andrew yesterday when I saw I'd missed a call from Jenny. Thank you for your inspirational and newsy blog updates - and for allowing Christ to use you in ministry this way. I look forward to catching up with you next Friday.

Kari for the Mattingly's
Anonymous said…
Love reading your blog on Fri even though I keep up with your progress thru Sharon..what a wonderful news that there will be a new "Bugg" in 2011..I keep thinking "God works in mysterious ways his wonders to perform" After having Avery by IVF and being told Sharon would never have children naturally..we are now faced with one of God's wonders...maybe this is a sign that he will prform more wonders in your visit to MN..BTW it is in the 50's in Mi so pack warm clothes...until next week hugs and prayers to you all...
Anonymous said…
Bob and Family, I just finished reading your blog to Jack as he is laying on the sofa not feeling well. My heart aches at the thought of his condition and yours. You have a wonderful way of helping us feel more connected to the Lord. As I sat down on the floor beside him, I could not help but shed tears. We held hands. I got up and continue to glance over at him - eyes closed and resting. He starts a new chemo on Monday and of course, we do not know how it will affect him.

We are excited that you have an appt. at Mayo. The Lord is already preparing them for your visit and with everyone praying, those doctors don't have a chance.

Congratulation on the new "little Bugg." Babies just make me so humble, their sweetness, softness and involuntary smile that brightens up my heart and brings a smile to my face.
Thank you Bob and Patra for your inspiration.
Margaret and Jack
Anonymous said…
Bob, we are following your blog each week and continue to praise God for your testimony of faithfulness through it all. My life is deeply impacted as I think over the many years I've known you., and that since your youth, you've listened and heeded the voice of our Savior. We pray for God to continue the work in you which He has begun, and will complete. Thank you for the wonderful way God is teaching you spiritual truths and you are in turn, sharing those with us. Today as I go about my work in a secular environment, I pray I too, will be a sweet aroma of praise to our dear Lord.
Sheldon & Ritchie (Oldham) Hale
Coffee came out of my nose reading the alien comment.

It is currently in the 70's in Minnesota during the day. As you know this is winter weather for a Floridian.Maybe you should stock up on thermal underwear now before you venture off to cold country in November. Just a suggestion.