He's Out!

Update from Emily:

(March 24, 2010)

On Monday morning, I took this picture of Dad as he walked for the first time (outside of his room) with his physical therapists. They slowly walked down the hall and back to his room.


Now, I am happy to report that he no longer even has a room at the hospital!

As of five o'clock this evening, Dad was released (once again) from the Bone Marrow Unit of Moffitt. We are all very excited - especially to see Dad in such great spirits.

We are working on getting internet set up at the transitional housing unit, so Jenny and I will try to keep you posted until Dad can write again.

Thank you so much for ALL of your thoughts and prayers! We are praying specifically tonight that Mom and Dad will finally get a good night of sleep!


Jenny said…
Yahoo! Can't wait to see the new place. Get some sleep guys - we love you!
David, Jenny, Andrew & Megan
Anonymous said…
What wonderful news for the day!! We rejoice and will continue to pray for strength, energy AND rest for all!! Being in the middle of a house move (just a different house in town), we know that "moving" takes energy - both mental and physical, so we pray that the only other move is TO HOME in time!!
Janice & Bob Adams
Anonymous said…
Bob & Family: Sorry I didn't get to the post yesterday. Thanks for your update Bob; the humor & wit is still there and there will be "revelations" as you go thru this process. Will is a wonderful thing and concentrating on Jesus helps us get thru everything. We appreciate you & Patra so much. Your family is a loving, caring one and you all continue to be inspirations to all of us.
We continue to pray for everything to progress rapidly.

Ted & Carol W
Anonymous said…
Awesome awesome news! Praise the Lord! It was so great to hear from you, Bob, via your blog yesterday!
Continued prayers!

Marc Crumpton
Anonymous said…
Patra, Jenny and Emily have done a wonderful job on the blog while you were unable to write for yourself but it was so exciting to hear from you, yourself, because that shows that you are making progress.

Jane Ferguson once said when she was going through an especially difficult time, she asked the Lord why she had to go through that particular experience. He replied, "Well, I've heard from a lot of my children today."

I know that during this time that you've been so ill, God has heard from many of his children as they have prayed for you and will continue to pray.

Keep getting better! Joyce
Anonymous said…
PRAISE THE LORD !!!!! We didn't check the blog last night since we had just heard from Bob yesterday. This is wonderful news. We are so very thankful; now GET THAT REST so much needed. Things always look and feel better when we get sleep.
Now, Patra, you must stuff Bob with your great cooking. He will be out of there in no time!!
Let me know when it is brownie time.
You are in our hearts.
Love you Buggs,
Praying and Praising,
Lex and Linda
Anonymous said…
I was soooo thrilled when I pulled up your blog today & read that you were out of the hospital & back into your apt. That's just an indication that you are progressing & getting closer to going home. We will just pray that happens even quicker than anyone expected!!! Love & Prayers!

Kim S. said…
hallelujah! Awesome news!!
Anonymous said…
So happy you are out of the hospital and into an apartment...you will sleep better there and rest will help you feel better...remember we are here for you if you need anything...our love and prayers are with you both.
Anonymous said…
some advice needed:
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