
Friday, December 10, 2010
(updated collaboratively by Jenny & Emily)

They are home! Mom and Dad are home!

After 31 days in Minnesota, Mom & Dad arrived home safely on Wednesday evening. Adam & Jenny's families were excited to meet them at the airport with hugs and helping hands. But the real welcome started about an hour after the flight landed.

As we pulled our cars into Mom & Dad's neighborhood, we were all greeted by dozens of neighbors and friends holding signs, shouting greetings, and cheering them on as they traveled the last few hundred feet toward HOME!

On our parents' insistence, the crowd of well-wishers gathered inside for a few moments and sang two songs at dad's request. Snippets of the evening's events were caught on video... the quality of the pictures isn't great, but the quality of the hearts of these amazing people - well, it leaves us speechless.

After such an amazing welcome home, we enjoyed a quiet dinner together and then left Mom & Dad to get settled in for their first night back in their own house. We knew they needed sleep as Thursday was going to be a busy day - Dad's first day of dialysis here.

Apparently, it was a rough day, but we are confident that over time it will get a bit easier and they'll find the best "fit" for Dad's needs. That is something they would love your prayers for, as his next appointment for dialysis will be Saturday.

The challenges of the day were overshadowed by the arrival Thursday evening of Emily & Austin. They couldn't come home Wednesday evening because Austin had a preschool Christmas performance Thursday morning at school. He gladly obliged his Grandma and Grandpa with a full performance of all his songs when he got to town, though!

After two nights of sweet serenades from friends, neighbors, and grandchildren, Dad needed a little break from giving this week's update himself. We hope he'll be back to the blog soon. After all, we know how transparently his heart shows when he can write these things himself. And we can only imagine that he has a lot he wants to share.

For now, just know that the overwhelming emotion from the kids (and grandkids) this week is a great big old sigh of relief and a sense that things are just a little more "right" in the world because Mom & Dad are HOME!


Anonymous said…
We are cheering as well for this welcome home-coming! My eyes filled with tears as I saw the video and wish I could have been there! This example of what Bob & Patra mean to the community says it all. The lives you have touched, the testimony you are to the community. Your faith and love for each other speaks volumes to all of those around you, near and far thanks to this blog. You just never know who you could touch and sometimes it is the challenges that God helps us through that tells the world who you are and who you belong too and that the faith is what brings us through these challenges.

Bob & Patra: Welcome Home!

Ted & Carol W
Pam said…
Praise God from whom all blessings flow, Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts, Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost! AMEN!
Anonymous said…
The first thing I did this morning was check your blog to see whether you made it back safely from MN. PTL! Wayne and I will continue to keep you in our prayers. I am so glad to have your blog so that we can be updated each week. To have met you both personally has been a huge privilege for both of us. Wish we could have done more for both of you. May your Christmas be extra sweet now that you are HOME with those you love dearly. Your Rochester friends,
Ruth and Wayne Deckert
Anonymous said…
Thanks, you two wonderful Buggs, for the update. We appreciate you both much.

Bob and Patra, we are happy that you are home with your family and many of your friends. Home is truly where your heart resides, and there is no doubt where that is for you both.

We continue to pray for our miracle as God continues to work in your lives and to use you for HIS glory.

We are praying as you get into a routine there that will work well for you. Change always takes a bit of adjusting for everyone.

Just remember that lots of people here in TN are getting to know you through your journey, and they are traveling with you especially through their prayers on your behalf.

Love you and look forward to seeing you mid-January.

Lex and Linda
Anonymous said…
Welcome home! We are so glad to see you made it! We've been following your journey and praying for the path to be made straight as you travel, always knowing just what to do. God is being greatly glorified through your situation, and that's what we are called to do. Glorify him! And we are still praying for that wonderful healing that will confound the Doctors! Blessings, Bill and Nancy Young
I cried so hard watching this video! Am so glad you are back in the comfort of your own home and that you both made it out just in time not to be snowed in. I know what you mean about our weather recently. Brrrrr. I keep saying the older I get the further south I'm going to move.I'll be in Key West soon with no where left to go.